On March 7 to 14, 9 scholars from the College of Horticulture and Forestry Sciences (CHFS) including Prof. Guo Wenwu went to Napier, New Zealand to attend the 4th International Symposium on Molecular Markers in Horticulture. At the invitation of Plant and Food Research (PFR), they also attended the 2th HZAU & PFR Joint Workshop on pomology held in Oakland and conducted extensive exchanges with PFR experts.
On March 8 to 11, the scholars made 4 oral presentations and showed 6 conference posters at the Napier War Memorial Conference Centre. Doctoral student Zhang Siqi was given the excellent oral presentation by the organizing committee in recognition of her outstanding achievements in citrus polyembryony molecular marker research. Subsequently, they visited the apple, pear and grape PFR breeding test bases PFR established in Napier and shared their views with Prof. Bus on the key technology for molecular mark assisted breeding of apples and the breeding technique for wine grapes.
On March 12 to 14, the delegation conducted exchanges on pomology at the conference room in Auckland Mt. Albert PFR Center with researchers of New Zealand. This is the 2th Joint Workshop held in New Zealand after the signing of cooperation framework agreement between the PFR and HZAU president Deng Xiuxin, on behalf of the CHFS in May, 2015 and the 1th HZAU & PFR Joint Workshop held at HZAU in May, 2016. At the beginning of the conference, Prof. Richard Newcomb, Chief Scientist of PFR and Prof. Guo Wenwu introduced the research overview and achievements of the PFR and HZAU in pomology respectively. Then, each 8 researchers from the two sides made academic reports and conducted discussion on the fields of the technology and methods of polyploid breeding of fruit crops, formation mechanism of fruit color, fruit development mechanism, molecular and physiological mechanism under stress and postharvest biology and technology.
During the conference, the delegation visited the greenhouse facilities for genetically modified fruit crops cultivation (such as apples and kiwi fruits), sensory evaluation laboratories and postharvest biology-related laboratories and facilities for horticultural products and exchanged experience in the design, construction, operation and management of laboratories with Prof. Richard Newcomb, Prof. Ross Ferguson, Dr. Wu Jinhu and Dr. Yao Jialong.
(By Xing Xiaobo)